Established Patients

Established Patients

Welcome back!

Check in Before Your Visit!

Streamline your arrival at P&M with mobile registration.

Registration and Appointment Check-In

Here at Physicians and Midwives we are always working to enhance and streamline your office visits. Our pre-registration and pre-visit check-in software, Phreesia, assists us in giving you the best experience possible. We are ditching the clipboard of paperwork and opting for the newest, secure, and digital solution. This system helps us to obtain the most up to date information, reduce our paper consumption, and reduce time spent in the waiting room for registration, therefore reducing wait time for seeing your provider. Here’s how it works-

After scheduling your appointment via our call center or online booking tool, you will receive a text message up to 3 days in advance from Phreesia. This message will contain a link asking you to verify your information.

Existing Patients: You will be asked to verify information already in our system, update anything that may have changed, and sign our HIPAA, Privacy, and Patient Policies if it has been over one year since you signed them last. If your appointment requires a copay or you have a balance, you can pay that ahead of time!

After completing these steps, please arrive 10-15 minutes early to your appointment and let the receptionist know you’re here for your appointment. If you are a new patient, please come with a form of identification and your most up to date insurance card (if using insurance).

If you are unable to complete the pre-visit registration/check-in, please come 15-20 minutes early to your appointment. You will be sent a link to your device in office or given one of our Phreesia Pads to complete your registration.

Read more about Phreesia and see FAQ’s


  • Aetna HMO, PPO, POS II, MC*
  • Anthem PPO, Healthkeepers HMO
  • BCBS Out of State plans (filed to local BCBS)
  • BCBS Federal
  • Carefirst Blue Cross Blue Shield, PPO, HMO
  • Carefirst of MD
  • Cigna HMO, PPO**
  • Coventry of VA and Coventry National (administered by Aetna – we are not in-network with out of state Coventry plans.)
  • GEHA (network in Virginia is United Health Shared Services)
  • Great West (administered by Cigna)
  • First Health Network (administered by Aetna)
  • Medicare, Aetna Medicare Replacement, United Healthcare Medicare Replacement***
  • Medicare Railroad
  • MDIPA/Mamsi/Optimum Choice (administered by United HealthCare)
  • Optum VA CCN (administered by United Healthcare, requires authorization)
  • Virginia Health Network VHN
  • Tricare Humana Military (certified but not participating)
  • Tricare Prime (certified, requires authorization from Tricare)
  • Tricare for Life
  • United Healthcare
*We do not take AETNA QHP purchased through the Virginia Health Exchange
Aetna Aexcel members need to contact Aetna as we are not “Designated Aexcel providers.”
*We do not take Cigna Connect

If you don’t see your insurance listed, please contact our billing department at 703-490-9260. We also accept self-pay patients.

Your Patient Portal

Our Patient Web Portal Provides Fast and Secure Access to Your Health Information

Convenient Online Access

Ask a staff member to learn more about the online patient portal or visit

With your busy life, it can be hard to stay on top of your health care – even though it’s the most important thing of all. Our online patient portal allows you to communicate with us easily and safely – according to your schedule.

Using your own secure PIN you can log into the online patient portal 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from the comfort and privacy of your home or office.

The Physicians & Midwives Patient Portal allows you to;

  • Request prescriptions and refills
  • View and request appointments
  • View billing statements and balance
  • Review your lab results
  • Make secure credit card payments
  • Communicate with your provider
  • View personal health information
  • Browse health facts and information
  • Update demographic information